Karjalan Sissit - Fucking Whore Society - 2009


Karjalan Sissit - Fucking Whore Society - 2009
Label: Eternal Soul Records
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition
Country: Sweden
Style: Martial Industrial, Noise
01.A1 Jävla Psykopat Kärring (Värre Än En Horunge)
02.A2 Asuntovaunussa Huoraamassa
03.A3 Slödderet Maste Bort
04.A4 Loppuun Nussittu Avioliitto
05.A5 Har Du Horat Runt Pa Campingen?
06.B1 Nyt Tulee Kirvestä; Perkele
07.B2 Rautakeppi
08.B3 Hyi Helevetti (You Are A Whore And Will Always Be)
09.B4 Skitfolk
10.B5 Knulldate
11.B6 Solmu On Solmittu

At last, Karjalan Sissit return after 4 years of relative silence with their most obscure and harshest work ever. "Fucking Whore Society" is an anger- and vodka-fueled bombastic opus inspired by the world's psychopathic state. A revolt against the cruel and sickly ways of today's society and a visceral and personal statement denouncing betrayal.Karjalan Sissit have masterfully expanded their signature sound with dense ambient passages and unsettling vocals, all combined with their intensely unique orchestral passages, presenting us with their best work yet.

睽违四年,Karjalan Sissit又发片了,还是很招牌的重型工业噪音强力碾压你的耳膜,不过东家已从CMI转投Eternal Soul Records,估计有八卦内幕,但不得而知。唱片的Cover实在太超过了,一个字,恶心,再加一个字,脑残,太不和谐了,当年在CMI发片的那些Cover还是相当内敛、含蓄的,难道现在流行重口味的暴虐党。

