Various Artists - Tribute to the dead soldiers (1914-1918) I - 2009
Label: La Caverne Du Dragon
Format: MP3
Country: France
Style: Industrial,Martial Industrial,Dark Ambient,Neo Folk
1.Chronique Nocturne - Des Sols Trempés de Larmes
2.Art Abscon(s) - Roses of Picardy (Glory and Sacrifice)
3.Sinweldi - Mémoires d'un poilu
4.Albireon - Ballata delle Rovine 2009 remix
5.Storm of Capricorn - No Turning Back Nor Goodbye
6.The Pride of Wolves - Western Front (Night Attack)
7.Barbarossa Umtrunk - Orages d'Acier
8.Naudhiz - the Last Light Extinct
9.Winter Gardens - Ivs Gentivm
10.Front Sonore - British Sector
11.Eldar - 01-Eldar-Elias
12.J Orphic - 02-J Orphic-And the Troups Incoming
13.Nihil Novi Sub Sole - Tannenberg 1914
14.Verney 1826 - Les Ombres, Marinette !
15.Tumor Necrosis Factor - Immortel
16.Jörvallr - 06-Jörvallr-L'Enfer
17.Gabe Unruh - 07-Gabe Unruh-Singt Eisern !
18.L'Horrible Passion - The League of Nations
19.ZR19.84 - Elegance And Brutality (Death Of A Man)
20.TSIDMZ - The Power Of The Wolves
法国Net Label La Caverne Du Dragon首张出品,看Title就知道,这是向一战中阵亡士兵的致敬专辑,整张V/A质素异常优异,欣喜的看到其中涌现不少新鲜血液,有几支相当不错,尤其来自芬兰的Winter Gardens和荷兰的Nihil Novi Sub Sole极为出色,非常期待他们的后续表现,现今太多垃圾乐队垃圾专辑在滥竽充数了,人云亦云跟风的乐迷也是不胜枚举,坚持独立自主的听音才是王道啊,话扯远了,如果这不是张V/A,绝对入选本年度10大了,La Caverne Du Dragon计划中还有一张续作II,估计目前正在搜集作品中,向La Caverne Du Dragon的运作者致敬,法国雷锋!
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Третий альбом Irradiated With Sound "Рассвет (Часть 1)"
Московский progressive synthpop-проект Irradiated With Sound выпускает
третий альбом «Рассвет (Часть 1)». По словам участников проекта Константина
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